FSC Youth
FSC Youth || Sundays, 10:30am & Wednesdays, 6:30pm

First Street Youth is a ministry of First Street Church, designed to reach out and minister to our youth. Our mission is to help students grow in their walk with Jesus Christ and be equipped for life as they prepare for adulthood.
The Sunday worship service is at 10:30 AM, and the service will last about an hour and a half. The service usually starts with a time of praise and worship. During this time, we sing songs that lift up the name of Jesus. After the opening song, there will be some announcements about upcoming events and activities for the youth ministry. Next we hear from God’s word through a sermon or message from one of our pastors or guest speakers.
Wednesday nights is a time for youth to come together to do life together. We meet in the Youth Room at 7:00pm. We have a variety of activities including games, worship, and small group discussions.
As a youth, you will meet on Wednesday nights. You can serve in many ways. Your youth leader is encouraged to help you develop your relationship with Jesus Christ and encourage you to be active in your community.